- 17 Rue des Tables Claudiennes, Lyon 1
- What you see
- What you need to know
Welcome to the Amphitheatre of the Three Gauls in Lyon, an iconic site where Roman and Christian history meet. Here, in this majestic amphitheater, the ancient inhabitants of Lyon gathered to watch spectacular games and events.
Imagine yourself stepping back in time, immersed in the bustling atmosphere of ancient Rome. Fearless gladiators battled it out to the cheers of the crowd, while the citizens of Lyon enjoyed the entertainment provided by this amphitheater.
But this place also bears a dark and moving history. It was here, on this very land, that courageous Christians were martyred for their faith. Among them, we particularly honor Saint Pothinus, the first bishop of Lyon, and Saint Blandina, a courageous young woman. They bravely bore witness to their Christian faith within these walls, defying the Roman authority of the time. Their sacrifices still resonate today, recalling the courage and strength of the Christian faith.
Read also our article on this vestige.
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