Punaise Street, at 16 Juiverie Street 16 rue Juiverie / 7 montée Saint-Barthélémie Ruelle Punaise is a sloping passageway connecting rue Juiverie to > See the file
Courtyard of the Dugas house at 23 rue Juiverie 23 rue Juiverie The Maison Dugas, located at 23 rue Juiverie in Lyon, is an emblematic example of Renaissance architecture in > See the file
Henri IV House at 1 montée Saint-Barthélemy 1 montée Saint-Barthélemy This house, whose current facade bears witness to several centuries of history, was built during the reign of > See the file
Courtyard of the Hotel Bullioud at 8 rue Juiverie 8 rue Juiverie Enter 8 rue Juiverie and head into the second courtyard. In the first courtyard notice the > See the file