The smallest house at 28 avenue Maréchal Foch

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Stop in front of number 28 avenue maréchal Foch, where you will find a real curiosity: the smallest house in the city.

 Amidst the imposing bourgeois buildings, this house with its pink façade, adorned with a delicately sculpted pediment of two cherubs, never fails to attract the eye.

What makes this residence so unique is not only its charming aesthetic, but also its incredibly modest dimensions: only 2 meters wide by 6 meters long, spread over two levels.

Over the years, this house has had various uses: haberdashery, antique dealer, communications agency, and more recently real estate agency. But today, a private individual has decided to make it his pied-à-terre for his regular stays in Lyon.

Looking at this small architectural marvel, one cannot help but wonder about the stories and lives that have inhabited these narrow walls. It is a poignant testament to human ingenuity and love for places full of history.

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Pierre Bossan

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