Traboule of the Printing Museum, 13 rue de la Poulaillerie

13 rue de la Poulaillerie / 2 rue des Forces

The entrance to the museum, dating from the 15th century, is the former Hôtel de la Couronne, which was the third Hôtel de Ville of Lyon from 1604 to 1652. The city became the owner in 1957 thanks to a donation from Crédit Lyonnais. It became the Banking Museum in 1963, then the Printing Museum in 1964. Architecturally, the courtyard has ribbed vaulted passages, a first courtyard with three galleries serving a spiral staircase, and a large 15th century courtyard where there is a reproduction of the Claudian Table and a pediment surmounted by allegories of the Rhône and the Saône.


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Map of courtyards and traboules

Croppet House Courtyard

House of Lawyers

House of Chamarier

Courtyard of 28 Cour Saint-Jean

The Great Traboule

House of the Sieve

Staircase of the Petit-College

Courtyard of the Gadagne Museum

Old Inn

Traboule of the 3 Maries

Dugas House

Bullioud Hotel

Bug Alley

Hotel Paterin (Henri IV house)

Dead end of the Platière

Double courtyard traboule

Courtyard of Moirages

Traboule printing museum

The most beautiful courtyard on the peninsula

Fernand Rey Street Courtyard

Traboule Mt Grande Côte

Staircase hanging on the wall

Court of the Voracious

Remarkable traboule


Pierre Bossan

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